Release notes#
- 1.0.2
- 1.0.1
- 1.0.0
- Contributors
- Compatibilities
- Deprecations
- Improvements
- New Features
- CPU parallel computation
- Lat-Lon meshing
- Bayesian estimation
- New snow module
- Precipitation partitioning
- New hydrological modules
- New routing modules
- New efficiency metrics
- Efficiency metric discharge transformation
- Return optional variables
- Multi-linear/polynomial descriptors
- New early stopping feature for ANN-based regionalization
- New multiple optimize method
- New metric method
- New default optimize options method
- New optimize control information method
- New package architecture
- New precipitation indice
- New setup options
- Fixes
- No observed discharge available between end_warmup and end_time
- Error message when no input files were found
- Missing descriptor or spatially uniform descriptor
- Model object save and read method with sparse storage
- Error in projected gradient computation with ANN mapping
- Optimization of initial states with ANN mapping
- Final states not computed when using ANN mapping
- Error when computing min and max of physiograhic descriptor
- Interception reservoir capacity calculation
- 0.5.0
- Contributors
- Deprecations
- Improvements
- New Features
- Fixes
- Boundary conditions checking
- Bug fixes when generating the l-curve.
- Event signatures computation
- Segmentation algorithm
- Catchment delineation segmentation fault
- Catchment flow distances on adjacent non-nested catchments
- Correctly handle Nodata value during the spatial disaggregation of the rainfall
- Stop the execution of smash when
is equal toend_time
- 0.4.2
- 0.4.1
- 0.4.0
- 0.3.1
- 0.3.0
- 0.2.4