- property Model.physio_data[source]#
Model physiographic data.
- Returns:
- physio_data
It returns a Fortran derived type containing the variables relating to the physiographic data.
- physio_data
>>> from smash.factory import load_dataset >>> setup, mesh = load_dataset("cance") >>> model = smash.Model(setup, mesh)
Access to Model physiograhic data
>>> model.physio_data Physio_DataDT descriptor: array([[[1.6998979e+00, 1.5327297e+01], [9.5237291e-01, 1.4062435e+01], ... [1.2933834e+00, 2.0580339e+01], [1.3551705e+00, 2.1825863e+01]]], dtype=float32) l_descriptor: array([0. , 3.0111098], dtype=float32) u_descriptor: array([ 5.455888, 23.433908], dtype=float32)
Access to a specific physiographic descriptor
>>> model.setup.descriptor_name array(['slope', 'dd'], dtype='<U5') >>> ind = np.argwhere(model.setup.descriptor_name == "slope").item() >>> ind 0 >>> model.physio_data.descriptor[..., ind] array([[1.69989789e+00, 9.52372909e-01, 2.01547050e+00, 3.75710177e+00, 3.41233420e+00, 2.92353439e+00, 2.85195327e+00, 2.82403517e+00, ... 2.60070384e-01, 4.05688077e-01, 1.29338336e+00, 1.35517049e+00]], dtype=float32)
If you are using IPython, tab completion allows you to visualize all the attributes and methods
>>> model.physio_data.<TAB> model.physio_data.copy() model.physio_data.l_descriptor model.physio_data.descriptor model.physio_data.u_descriptor model.physio_data.from_handle(