
smash.metrics(model, metric='nse', end_warmup=None)[source]#

Compute the efficiency/error metrics of Model based on observed and simulated discharges for each gauge in a multi-catchment hydrological model evaluation.


Primary data structure of the hydrological model smash.

metricstr, default ‘nse’

The efficiency or error criterion. Should be one of

  • nse': Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency

  • nnse': Normalized Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency

  • kge': Kling-Gupta Efficiency

  • mae': Mean Absolute Error

  • mape': Mean Absolute Percentage Error

  • mse': Mean Squared Error

  • rmse': Root Mean Squared Error

  • lgrm': Logarithmic

end_warmupstr, pandas.Timestamp or None, default None

The end of the warm-up period. Evaluation metrics will only be calculated between the end of the warm-up period and the end time. The value can be a string that can be interpreted as pandas.Timestamp. The end_warmup date value must be between the start time and the end time defined in Model.setup.


If not given, the metrics will be computed for the entire period.


An array of shape (n,) representing the computed evaluation metric for n catchment(s).


>>> from smash.factory import load_dataset
>>> setup, mesh = load_dataset("cance")
>>> model = smash.Model(setup, mesh)

Optimize Model

>>> model.optimize()
</> Optimize
    At iterate      0    nfg =     1    J =      0.695010    ddx = 0.64
    At iterate      1    nfg =    30    J =      0.098411    ddx = 0.64
    At iterate      2    nfg =    59    J =      0.045409    ddx = 0.32
    At iterate      3    nfg =    88    J =      0.038182    ddx = 0.16
    At iterate      4    nfg =   117    J =      0.037362    ddx = 0.08
    At iterate      5    nfg =   150    J =      0.037087    ddx = 0.02
    At iterate      6    nfg =   183    J =      0.036800    ddx = 0.02
    At iterate      7    nfg =   216    J =      0.036763    ddx = 0.01

Compute the Mean Squared Error for all catchments

>>> smash.metrics(model, metric="mse")
array([44.78328323,  4.38410997,  0.50611502])

The Kling-Gupta Efficiency

>>> smash.metrics(model, metric="kge")
array([0.94752783, 0.84582865, 0.8045246 ])

Add end warm-up date (1 month)

>>> model.setup.start_time, model.setup.end_time
('2014-09-15 00:00', '2014-11-14 00:00')
>>> end_warmup = "2014-10-14 00:00"

Compute the Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency with and without warm-up

>>> smash.metrics(model, metric="nse")
array([0.96327233, 0.90453297, 0.84956211])
>>> smash.metrics(model, metric="nse", end_warmup=end_warmup)
array([0.97294462, 0.91321117, 0.86573941])