Precipitation Partitioning#
The aim of this section is to present the partitioning of the precipitation into liquid and solid components.
Denote \(P\) the precipitation, \(S\) the snow, \(T_e\) the temperature, \(x\in\Omega\) a given cell and \(t\in]0 .. T]\) a time step.
First, the precipitation \(P\) and the snow \(S\) are summed to give the total precipitation \(P_T\)
Then, the liquid ratio \(l_r\) splits the total precipitation \(P_T\) into liquid part (precipitation) \(P\) and solid part (snow) \(S\).
where the liquid ratio \(l_r\) is derived from a classical parametric S-shaped curve [Garavaglia et al., 2017].
If no snow \(S\) is provided, the total precipitation \(P_T\) is simply the precipitation \(P\) on which a liquid ratio \(l_r\) will be calculated.
If snow \(S\) is provided, the default liquid ratio \(l_r\) is overwritten.